September 2018 Newsletter

Monday, September 17th, 2018

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September 2018 Newsletter

In this Issue:
Calling All Leaders: Complete Your Willingness To Serve
Let Us Know Your Insight: Complete Your Policy Survey

REGISTER: NFWL’s 80th Annual Conference

Registration is now OPEN for the NFWL 2018 Annual Conference November 13-17 at the Omni Shoreham in Washington, D.C. We’ll look at topics ranging from K-12 education, critical infrastructure, occupational licensing, energy, telecommunications, civil discourse, leadership development, healthcare, and more. And we’ll also have some fun!

Don’t forget NFWL offers travel scholarships to cover the cost of attendance for elected women.

2018 Women of Excellence winners will receive an all expensed paid trip to attend the Annual Conference!

Register Now

Our Women of Excellence reception Tuesday night is at the top of the Newseum, with views of the Capitol, and the Embassy of Ghana is hosting us for a reception Wednesday night.  Thursday’s late-night party is a Heineken Happy Hour, complete with games to play.  Friday is the elegant Installation Dinner and Dance, so you won’t want to miss a thing!

Register Now

RECAP: Workforce Development Summit

Photos and presentation materials from the Summit can be found here.

Learn More

LAST CHANCE!!: Nominate Woman Of Excellence

If so, nominate her to receive NFWL’s Women of Excellence Award. The Elected Women of Excellence Award was created to identify and honor women who have worked tirelessly, often breaking down barriers and overcoming obstacles that once seemed insurmountable, to serve their communities. Nominate any elected woman serving on the county, city, or state level who is currently serving in office. Each winner will receive an all expensed paid trip to attend the 2018 Annual Conference in Washington D.C., November 13-17 where they will receive formal recognition and an award.


Calling All Leaders: Complete Your Willingness To Serve

It’s not too late to indicate your interest to serve in a leadership position with NFWL! Click HERE to view our leadership roles. 

Submit my Form
List of State Directors

Let Us Know Your Insight: Complete Policy Survey

Let us know your feedback! We’re always looking to hear from elected women on how we can make our programming better. Fill out this survey in just a few short minutes, and have your voice heard.
Provide Insights

Annual Conference Action Items:


Action Items:

Nominate WoE
Interest to Serve
Policy Insight





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