May 2020 Newsletter

Thursday, May 28th, 2020


May 2020 Newsletter

In This Issue:

PhRMA Webinar: Valuable Resources for the Global Pandemic

Monthly Member Spotlight: NJ Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso

Partner Post: Pew Charitable Trusts

Summer of Susans: Send us Your Susan Today

We have teamed up with expert policy leaders to provide resources and information to you no matter where you may be. 

Access the Event Below

New Jersey Assemblywoman and Immediate Past Chair of NFWL, Serena DiMaso will always be there to lend a helping hand. From the front lines as a volunteer EMR during the COVID-19 crisis to working diligently on the Assembly floor, DiMaso is constantly striving to strengthen her community.

This podcast dives a little deeper into her career of helping her community, and New Jersey’s efforts to combat the COVID-19 crisis.

Listen Now

Pew Report on Debt Collection in Courts as Nation Faces Economic Impact of COVID-19

As we begin to see the impact Coronavirus has on our economy, with unemployment numbers up significantly, the Pew Charitable Trusts has a new report called “How Debt Collectors Are Transforming the Business of State Courts.” As described in the report, debt collection cases have skyrocketed in state and local courts, becoming the single most common type of case in civil courts in many states.

If the pandemic results in increased financial distress for families and small businesses, the role of the court in debt collection may continue to expand.  The report documents recent promising actions by state governments, and what they can tell us about ways to improve our civil court system for all stakeholders.

Read Report

NFWL wants to help you celebrate the Suffrage Centennial this summer with Susan! Spread the word to other elected women, and teach young girls about the history of women’s fight for the right to vote.

Color, Decorate, and take a #FlatSusan picture of wherever you are and whoever you’re with! Let us know where she is and what she means to you.

Be sure to post it on social media using the Hashtags #WomenVote100 #NFWLCentennial #FlatSusan and tag @electedwomen 

Download Flat Susan


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