State Director Job Description

A.  As a State Director, you are an official member of the Membership Committee

B.  Actively participate in the Membership Committee Conference Calls

C.  Coordinate with your Co-State Director to actively reach out to elected women across the state, on both sides of the aisle, and on both local and state levels of government

D.  Actively market NFWL programs to women in your state

E.  Recruit elected women in your state to come to the Annual Conference in San Antonio 18-21, 2019

F.  Set a goal of bringing 5-10 women to the conference from your state

G.  Raise sponsorships in your state for the 2019 Annual Conference. Target $5,000 or more. Potential fundraising opportunities include: Campaign Funds, Leadership PAC’s, Corporations, State Appropriations or Grants

H.  Let us know of potential conference sponsors you may have in your state

I.   Help identify legislation (passed or introduced) and/or elected women sponsoring legislation addressing a current issue of regional or national importance, to include in our Shared Legislation Program

    1. Allow us to announce you in the eNewsletter and on the website (need a picture and bio)

If interested in serving as an NFWL State Director, please contact