What community group are you working with to distribute the donation?
The Marie Wilkinson food pantry.
Their mission is to alleviate hunger and provide food, clothing, and sometimes feminine product assistance to individuals and families in need within the Aurora, Illinois community for over 60 years.
Follow them on Instagram!
Why is it important to address this issue in your community?
It is important because many young menstruators are growing up learning to feel embarrassed/ashamed of having a period and we need to fight against that and instead empower them to normalize periods and show others it’s not a weakness.
What are you doing as an elected official to support policy measures that impact period product access?
I have sponsored a number of menstrual hygiene bills in the IL House. Some are to increase access in public schools and now I’m working to increase the products in all public restrooms.
Follow Rep. Hernandez on LinkedIn and Instagram!