NFWL Newsletter – October 2016

Wednesday, October 12th, 2016



What’s Happening


          #NFWLgoesPINK                                                                             #ConferenceCountdown


34 days until the conference5ee8f199-43f1-461b-aeef-2d394b50eb75

20 spots remaining

125 elected women already registered

50+ hours of conference programming that you won’t want to miss

What’s missing? You! The numbers are adding up and the clock is counting down!


 Pennsylvania Dome Tour


Please join NFWL’s Pennsylvania State Director, State Representative Tarah Toohil, and NFWL Board Member, New Jersey Freeholder Serena DiMaso, for an Evening Reception in the Main Rotunda at the Main Capitol Building in Harrisburg, from 4:00-6:00pm on Monday, October 17.


NFWL is going #PINK for the month of October to show our support for Breast Cancer Awareness!

We are calling on our elected women to participate in our #NFWLgoesPINK social media campaign to show support for the fighters and the survivors.


Join us THIS Friday, October 14, by bootwearing your favorite boots to show your support and STOMP out Breast Cancer. 




On October 28, the last Friday of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we want to see you head-to-toe in pink so we can #PINKOUT cancer. 


Post pictures to you and your staff to social media using hashtag #NFWLgoesPINK and share them with us by emailing them to



Check out all #NFWLgoesPINK Events






Senator Geraldine Thompson partnered with the Florida Holocaust Museum, among other organizations, to present Examining Hate: A Town Hall Meeting. The event focused on recent tragedies throughout America and ways in which hate is manifested in American society. Read more about the event here. 




NFWL Chacarrie-ruudir Elect Senator Carrie Ruud was highlighted for her participation in an event celebrating the 229th anniversary of the U.S. Constitution. Sen. Ruud of Minnesota talked of her work to get an amendment to the state constitution that would take away legislators’ power of setting their own pay and replace it with an appointed citizen commission. Read the full article here.  


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